Bradninch Weather

Current and Forecast Weather for Bradninch, Devon, UK. All times UTC (GMT).
You need Flash for the "Current Stats" tab. If you have an "i" device, iPad, iPhone, then try Puffin Browser to get going.
The other tabs should be just fine.


Weather station is located at "The Vaults", Centre of Bradninch.
Anemometer is about 2m high, protected from the North by a tall house, South exposure not too bad, but would be nice to get it to 10m.

Weather Station Kit:

Orgeon Scientific WMR88 Weather Station
GlobalScale Dreamplug 5W Linux "PC in a plug" from
Meteohub Software from Here

The RADAR and Forecast Tab take data from the Web Map Tiling Services provided by The Met Office Datapoint and Ordnance Survey Openspace API


Current UK RADAR and Forecast Precipitation over Ordnance Survey Maps
Dawlish Weather Conditions
Met Office
Exeter Airport METAR
Exeter Airport TAF

Whackjob Tees